Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tiny Steps

It was just yesterday that I was telling Justin that Brayden was getting a little more confident letting go of things and standing by himself for 5 or so seconds. So, I was thinking within a month or so he will take his first steps...or the next morning!

The thing that amazes me about babies is that so much can change over night. How do they wake up one morning and do a skill that they could never do before? I thought about this when he started smiling, laughing, rolling over, sitting up, etc. That is what makes every day so special when I am with him. You never know what the day can bring!

I can now relate to when parents say that children grow up in a blink of an eye! He's only 10 months old, but we look back at his newborn photos and think where did the time go! He has changed so much! I am just trying to cherish each moment, and take it all in!

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