Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Girls Night In

The boys were off to do some "team bonding" at the go-cart track, so the ladies came over for some wine and appetizers. All was going well. The kids were getting along, great food, great conversation...until I sniffed something...and that something wasn't pleasant.

For all that know my dog, Titan, know that he is a pretty well behaved canine with a bladder of a champion. He has never had an accident on the over 20 hour travel trips that he's been on, nor had an accident in the house in over 5-6 years. So, there is only one person to blame...his father, who claimed that he took him for a good walk before everyone came over.

I look over at Mackenzie, and ask her if she smells that funky smell. She takes a whiff, nope just the guacamole. But what I smelled was NOT guacamole...I turn and look out on our patio to see a steamy pile of doggy do-do. Not the end of the world. That is until I try to locate Brayden. There he is, my pride and joy, squishing his tiny little fingers through Titan's "hot mess". That wasn't all...he also had walked/crawled through it and smeared it not only on the patio but also into the apartment. Funny how much can happen in the matter of seconds.

This is where a BIG THANK YOU to the girls whom I just met comes into play...we all divided and conquered the smelly situation in a heart beat. Danielle and I took Brayden (who now is trying to put his hands in his mouth) into the tub for an emergency bath, while the other lovely ladies cleaned up the patio and the apartment. A couple of gags, dry heaves, and a roll of paper towels later, everything was back to normal.

Talk about making a great first impression!

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