Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is cherishing the moments they get to spend with family and friends!

Today we are celebrating with the other North American "Imports" by having a nice dinner together followed by some Christmas cocktails...non-alcoholic for me still..

The count down is on to when Brayden and I make the journey stateside. Just 2 more sleeps until we go! Since I will be home for almost a whole month, I will miss Justin terribly. However, he has a three week long road trip while I am at home, so that makes me feel better that he wouldn't have had a chance to see us anyway.

I am so excited to see all my family and friends, and to have them meet Brayden. I have missed Titan (my miniature schnauzer) so much since we left. We couldn't bring him with, because they quarantine animals that arrive into Japan for 6 months due to the fact that they haven't had rabies here. Therefore, I am dying to see him!!

I am also super excited to go and do the things I miss most about home!

I hope everyone has a great Christmas! See everyone in a couple of days!!

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