Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Baby Shower!

The lovely ladies here in Hachinohe hosted an amazing baby shower for Brayden and I last Tuesday. Baby showers are not normally celebrated here in Japan, because the Mom-to-be usually will leave about 8 weeks prior to her due date to go live with her parents to deliver her baby in her home town. This way she has lots of help since the women are not to leave the house for at least a month after the baby is born. So, my baby shower was very out of the norm for them. They had a shower a couple years ago for a Canadian wife, and had so much fun that they insisted on throwing me one.

Kathy organized a couple of games. One in particular was a chugging contest with bottles. Needless to say, it was hilarious to watch everyone try sucking down their juice. It's much harder than you think!

We had amazing traditional Japanese food! One of the ladies even brought a whole smoked chicken that was really tasty!

Tomoko brought a delicious cake, and Kathy made cake pops for everyone to take home (which were amazing). Those are such treats since I can't bake over here due to my lack of oven.

Brayden and I truly got spoiled with many awesome gifts! The ladies have great style. Brayden will be sporting some awesome clothes in a couple months!

A special thank you goes out to all the ladies who made our special day possible! We had a ton of fun!!

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