When I checked the mail box after Justin's game on Saturday, I was super sad to find out that the postman tried to deliver Brayden's passport, but since I need to sign for it they left a slip for me to call to set up a time for them to come back.
I had Tomoko call and arrange for it
to come this morning between the times of 8 a.m. and Noon...needless to say I
did not attempt to leave the house until it came!
It got delivered
without a hitch! We all did a little jig! Not only that he is officially now an
American citizen, but also we are good to fly home in 10 days!!!
His certificate of
birth abroad is a pretty special and unique document!
countdown is on!! 10 days until Brayden meets his family and sees his home
country for the first time!
hmmm...could you talk to Shanna and tell her how this is done??...been pushing her to get one for about a year am I supposed to get married in Mexico????:(