Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sunday with my boys

Justin had an away game last Sunday. Therefore, Brayden, Titan, and I had a "mommy and boys day". The weather was AMAZING! My favorite kind of Autumn weather, sunny and 60ish.

We started by going for a nice run over to DonauPark for a picnic. Titan didn't join as running isn't his thing, and I don't have a double jogging stroller. I had only been to this park briefly for The Women's Run, but didn't get a chance to really explore the park. It is beautiful! Lots of different kinds of gardens, trails, open fields, kids play areas, and even a train that you can ride around the park on.

Impromptu photo session...

After running through the park to scope out the best place for our picnic, we decided that the rose garden seemed like the best spot.

Getting excited to eat one of his favorite foods.

These roses smelled like lemon bars...no joke!

After the picnic we jogged home, so Brayden could get an afternoon snooze in before our next adventure.

A friend had asked if we wanted to go hiking in the 19th District of Vienna. It is known for it's vineyards and beautiful scenery.

I geared up with the boys, and off we went. We had the best views of Vienna from up there!

After returning home and eating dinner, it was lights out! Another beautiful day in this beautiful city!

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