Thursday, November 22, 2012

Very Thankful

This year has flown by, and I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for this year! I have a healthy, beautiful baby boy, an amazing husband, and awesome family and friends. This year will be different from all others. Since Justin is playing games this week and weekend in China, I will be spending my Thanksgiving alone with the little man. Oh how I wish I could spend it with my family back home!
Watching the news lately I can't believe how much press gets put on Black Friday shopping, and how it will start earlier this year on Thanksgiving night. Is it so much to ask to have one whole day set aside to be with family and friends to celebrate and reflect on things we are thankful for? You don't realize how important it is to spend the day with your family, until you aren't able to. However, I am very Thankful to be spending it with my little bundle of joy.

Since I haven't been home for Thanksgiving in many years, I will still carry on a tradition this Thanksgiving by cuddling up on the couch and pulling out some of my favorite Christmas movies followed by skyping my family.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I love & miss you all!

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