Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bye Bye Mom

It's already Wednesday, November 7th! Since we have no Internet I couldn't even tell you who our new president is. Mom is leaving early this morning to head back to Minnesota. Justin and I will be staying until Friday at the clinic, so my Mom won't even get to see us come home.

It was so nice that she was able to share this special moment in our lives! It meant a lot to Justin and I to have some family around. I know she really faced some big traveling fears to come all the way over to us! I give her major props for doing it alone!

The clinic has been so wonderful to us! They truly have made us feel so comfortable and at home. The Doctor has been amazing! He includes my Mom in on everything, and comes in just to chat about everyday life.

The nurses love her too. They are very curious about our life in the States. They try to do everything possible to make sure we are adjusting okay in the new country.

Before Mom left the clinic last night, the Doctor presented her with a photo album that they had made special for her with pictures that they had taken of Brayden throughout the last couple of days. I thought that was so nice of them! Now she instantly has something to show everyone when she gets off the plane.

I hope she travels safe and we will miss her tons!

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