Thursday, October 18, 2012

1 Week?

Well, not surprisingly my Japanese due date on the 16th has come and gone. Today marks only one week until my normal due date! Very exciting but surreal at the same time! I have been enjoying my freedom these last couple of weeks by sleeping in and going for nice long runs. Something that I probably wont be doing for awhile after he comes.  I haven't been getting impatient yet as it would be nice for the little guy to wait to make his arrival until my Mom gets here in 6 days!

We had an appointment yesterday, and the little guy gained a whole 13 oz. last week! Holy Moly!

We couldn't have planned the due date any better as Justin has a whole month off from games started October 16-November 17th! It is nice to have him around, and know that he will be here for sure when the baby comes. It will make our transition into parenthood much easier, and I'm sure he will enjoy spending a lot of time with the little guy as well.

We have a small pool going amongst the North American teammates to bet on when he will make his debut. So, hopefully he comes out on a date that Daddy picked for him! :)

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