Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Magical Christmas Night

Last night was like a perfect scene for a Christmas movie. Some of the fans of the Vienna Capitals own horse carriages that stroll through downtown, and offered to take the whole team on a carriage ride to the different Christmas markets. I couldn't be more excited! Justin & I had always talked about doing one of the carriage rides downtown, but what better way to take one than from Christmas market to Christmas market during this magical season.
It ended up being one of the coldest nights that we have had thus far in Vienna, but I feel like that just added to the magic of the night. We all bundled up well, and headed downtown to the first Christmas market to get a glühwein (hot, spiced wine) and meet up with the carriages. In total we all took three carriages to the different markets, and the horses strolled right down the middle of the streets!
*Sorry my pictures are pretty grainy since it was so dark out
Karlsplatz Christmas market
Brayden & Justin at the Karlsplatz Christmas market
Strolling down the main streets of Vienna
At the second stop, Brayden and I grabbed some käsespätzle (German's version of mac 'n' cheese) while Justin invested in some gloves. He also got me a hat from the market as a Christmas gift.

What käsespätzle looks like.

New hat to keep my noggin toasty warm.
Enjoying the carriage ride as a family.
The drivers of the carriages were very prepared, and had gotten all of us some mini Jägermeister bottles to drink to keep warm for the ride to the next market.
Brayden enjoying his beverage of choice on the carriage ride.
Hard to see...but you can see the Rathaus (main town hall) in the background from the inside of the carriage
The last stop was the Christmas Village at Maria-Theresien-Platz. Justin got a giant baked potato with ham, cheese, and sour cream for us three to was soooo good! I would have taken a picture, but I didn't have time to before it was gone.
One of the venders selling Christmas ornaments
Usually this place would be super crowded, but given that it was so cold and a Tuesday night we had the place pretty much to ourselves!
All snuggled up in his carrier...he kept me nice and toasty warm!
It was awesome to see the city all lit up for Christmas. Taking the carriage ride brought back lots of my own childhood memories of doing this with my family with our own horses!  

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