Sunday, November 11, 2012

Surprising Things

November 4, 2012

Being a new Mom you don't always know what to expect or how things are supposed to happen. Here are a couple things that surprised me that I hadn't heard other Moms mention before...

1. I get excited when Brayden poops. Sounds weird, but he had only gone once in 2 days so we were so happy when we got to clean our next messy diaper, and to know he wasn't getting constipated.

2. In Japan if your cesarean was planned or scheduled your incision is horizontal. However, if it was an emergency cesarean like mine, your incision is vertical since its easier and faster to get the baby out.

3. When your milk comes in it looks and feels like you just had upgraded to look like Pamela Anderson...pretty painful though! Luckily after a couple days your body realizes that you aren't feeding an army, it adjusts to the right amount for your baby.

4. You get excited when your baby is hungry so you can relieve some of that "DD" pressure!

5. Since I've only been changing my three niece's diapers in the past, I'm not used to the fact that my boy, Brayden, is always "packing some heat" via his little "water gun". He's struck me down twice thus far, conveniently in the dark at 3 a.m.

6. I had no doubt that Justin would be a great father, but the love, emotion, and affection that he shows Brayden is so powerful that it just melts my heart. I could watch those two sleep and interact with each other all day!

7. And as for me, I could not be in more love with my new family! I am so thankful and blessed that we are all happy and healthy! An indescribable feeling!

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