Monday, October 8, 2012

The Perfect Day

Justin had today off after a two win weekend, so we decided to enjoy the beautiful sunny and 70 degree weather by going to Starbucks for lunch and then hitting the driving range after. I was super excited when we got to Starbucks and I saw that they had a Pumpkin Tart dessert. I am a sucker for anything pumpkin, and Japan isn't really on the pumpkin bandwagon yet, so when I saw this dessert I knew it was going to be a good day!

After our lovely American style lunch, we headed to the driving range that is only a tee shot away from our house. Justin has been looking forward to this day since we have arrived in Japan. We couldn't have asked for better weather to be hit some golf balls! We decided to hit from the upper deck.


The coolest part about this driving range was that this Big Mama didn't have to tee up her ball! It automatically does it for you! Which is very helpful when you are 39 weeks pregnant.

It was a perfect day in Hachinohe! Loving this fall weather!

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